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Our stakeholders

RAG identifies all of the groups directly affected by our decisions and activities as stakeholders. We treat them with respect and endeavour to take account of their interests as far as possible.

Being a good neighbour will be critical to maintaining sustainable energy supplies in the future. Responsible treatment of all stakeholders, especially residents and local authorities in the areas where we operate, has always been an article of faith for RAG. We aim to minimise the environmental and social impact of our activities by engaging in detailed discussions with stakeholders.

In the past few years we have taken a number of steps designed to enhance our relationships with our various stakeholders. Our strategies for communicating with local residents and public authorities have been fine-tuned to ensure that these groups receive even more detailed information at the different stages of our projects. We have also extended the open dialogue we conduct, involving all of the relevant parties in administrative procedures at an early stage and to the greatest possible extent, with the goal of fostering acceptance of and trust in our operations and capabilities.

By engaging in open dialogue, we aim to

  • safeguard the trust placed in our company
  • promote cost-effective implementation of our projects
  • identify and resolve potential conflicts at an early stage
  • facilitate a process of continuous improvement