RAG has a long track record of close involvement with new technologies that will make it possible to store and utilise large volumes of renewable energy efficiently. Since 2013 we have been working on cutting edge projects aimed at seasonal storage of hydrogen and the development of green gas technologies. Our innovative capacity has enabled us to become a sustainable technology leader in the European energy storage and supply sector.
Besides conventional natural gas, we are focusing on novel green gas production technologies such as power-to-gas and methane splitting. The Underground Sun Storage and Underground Sun Conversion projects offer a unique opportunity to store large volumes of gas produced from renewable sources, such as solar and wind power, seasonally and carbon neutrally underground, for withdrawal as and when it is needed. Green gas not only has vast potential, it is sustainable, affordable and storable. It is the standard bearer of a sustainable energy future.
RAG has been a pioneer in the field of hydrogen production since 2015, when it brought Austria’s first megawatt-scale water electrolysis plant online. In addition to this, in collaboration with a variety of industrial partners, research institutions and universities, RAG is investigating the viability of a range of methane splitting approaches (pyrolysis, plasmolysis).
International patents registered for green gas technologies underline RAG’s expertise in this field. For example, hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis is a natural process for the production of synthetic natural gas underground using hydrogen, carbon dioxide and microorganisms, developed in the Underground Sun Conversion project. RAG invests about six million euros in research and development annually.
“RAG’s constant ability to innovate and commitment to research and development are among its key success factors. Our research programme is unique worldwide. In collaboration with our industrial partners and university research institutes, we are paving the way for leading-edge green gas technologies, such as storing solar energy collected in summertime for use in the winter.”
Stephan Bauer
Head of Green Gas Technology
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