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Gas – a talented all-rounder

Gas is a talented all-rounder. The range of gaseous energy sources is broad.

The energy sources of the future come in the shape of gas: methane, biomethane and hydrogen. Gas is future fit. It is low-emission, innovative and supply-secure. 

The spectrum of gaseous energy sources runs from conventional natural gas to green gas such as hydrogen and biomethane. Gas underpins the attainment of climate goals, is a partner for renewables and can even be produced renewably. Gas can be manufactured using wind or solar energy, or from biomass, and contributes directly to carbon dioxide emission reductions in transportation, in the form of LNG and bio-LNG, CNG and bio-CNG, with hydrogen waiting in the wings.

Energy in the form of gas can be transported out of sight underground, stored in huge quantities, made available quickly in large volumes, and used in a variety of applications to generate electricity or heat, or to fuel vehicles.


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