As Austria’s biggest gas storage company – making it the country’s biggest energy storage operator – RAG’s natural pore reservoirs mean it has the capability to provide largevolume, flexible and seasonal storage of conventional natural gas, green gas, biogas and hydrogen. These energy sources are ready to be called on in large volumes precisely when and where they are needed, allowing us to underpin security of supply for Austria
and Europe.
Renewable electricity from solar and wind energy is converted into hydrogen by means of carbon-neutral electrolysis. This makes it possible to store a portion of the summer energy harvest as gas in our pore reservoirs for use in winter, or to combine the hydrogen with carbon dioxide (produced from biomass or industrial operations) and convert it into synthetic natural gas, in underground gas reservoirs, by means of a natural microbiological process. This creates a sustainable carbon cycle, and the naturally produced green gas is carbon neutral. By conversion we also mean the synthesis of CO2 and H2 to CH4 and the splitting of CH4 to hydrogen and carbon.
The stored energy can be withdrawn and used at any time as required. This green energy can then be delivered via existing pipeline networks for power generation at gas-fired power stations, heat generation by local cogeneration stations or central heating systems, or clean transportation running on LNG. In addition, in the future methane splitting will produce carbon that can be used as a basic material for batteries, insulation
materials, tyres, construction materials and steel, or in agriculture as a soil conditioner. The process also produces carbon neutral, climate friendly hydrogen for use in energy generation or industrial processes.