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Good Neighbour

A fair partner and a good neighbour

Being a good neighbour will be critical to maintaining sustainable energy supplies in the future. Responsible treatment of all stakeholders, especially residents and local authorities in the areas where we operate, is not just a vital consideration but an article of faith for RAG. Because of this, we constantly seek detailed discussions with stakeholders in order to minimise the environmental and social impact of our activities.

Open communication and information

Ongoing communication with local authorities, public agencies and important local institutions is crucial to solid partnerships, as is providing comprehensive information and maintaining open dialogue with local residents and stakeholder groups, which are leading priorities for us. We look to involve all of the relevant parties in administrative procedures to the greatest possible extent, with the goal of fostering acceptance of and trust in our operations and capabilities.

Dedicated to local communities

For decades, RAG’s activities have promoted regional economic growth, and as a major employer and purchaser, the company makes an important contribution to the Austrian and the Central European economy. Numerous guided tours of facilities, open days and partnerships demonstrate the strength of our commitment to the regions where we operate. We carry out regular training and drills with local volunteer fire brigades, and offer paid internships and supervision of master’s theses for students. RAG also supports regional social projects.


Andrea Schlager, MA
T +43 (0)50 724
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